Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Over the last couple weeks I have been eating real healthy and going to the gym consistently and the weight seems to be coming off.  For breakfast I have oatmeal with a can of peaches (including the juice) and some coffee.  Then at work I will have a cottage cheese double or yogurt before lunch which is a frozen meal or soup and veggies.  For dinner I've been trying to have lots of veggies and a small portion of grains and meat.

I've been reading the Complete Triathlon Book to figure out my training plan for the spring and summer.  I'm learning about periodization  the base, build and peak phase and doing different steps where you train hard for 3 weeks and on the fourth week dial it back a little so your body can recover. All of this seems to make sense, but there is definitely a learning curve.

Yesterday and today we had a bunch of snow and work was cancelled today. Yay! so I took the bus to the gym this morning and ran 5.5 miles and did some stretching. I'm debating about going swimming later, but our driveway is a sheet of ice.  Swimming is the hardest sport for me to get motivated to practice.  I tried to sign up for swim lessons this week, but they didn't get enough people to sign up, so they didn't run them.  There will be another 8 week series starting mid March so I am going to sign up for them. At least that way I can get some instruction because I am sure I am doing something wrong and I will be motivated to go.

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